Youth Organizing with Howie Hawkins: The Green New Deal

Data: 21/02/2021
Orario: 01:00 - 03:00
(per sicurezza controllate l'evento originale)


THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED! This will now take place on Feb. 20th at 7 p.m. EST.

The 2020 Presidential race is behind us, but the original Green New Dealer, Howie Hawkins, is just getting started on organizing a serious ecosocialist party that can successfully challenge the two major parties that are beholden to corporate greed and endless wars.

Howie is working with young people on learning how to organize within their own communities for an ecosocialist future. This meeting will focus on the ecosocialist Green New Deal, including the Economic Bill of Rights. Howie will work with young people on crafting an organizing plan to tackle climate change and economic injustice.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Howie Hawkins about political organizing on Zoom on Sunday, February 7th at 7 PM EST, 6 PM CST, 5 PM MST, and 4 PM PST.

This meeting is intended for people 35 and younger.

Please go to the following link to register for this event:

Youth Organizing With Howie Hawkins: The Green New Deal

When you RSVP, you will receive the meeting password and ID via email, which you will need in order to participate in this Zoom call. Please be sure to check your spam folder. If you don’t receive this information, please email

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